Matt Dwyer

Matthew Dwyer is a Computer Engineering student in his final year of course work. He is focused on computer architecture and GPGPU acceleration in embedded systems, computer graphics, and heterogeneous systems. He is currently doing research in the Virtual REality Application Center (VRAC) and in the Software Analytics and Pervasive Parallelism Lab (SwAPP) in machine learning and parallel computing. He is also minoring in Economics with an interest in quantitative finance.

Braedon Giblin

Braedon Giblin is a Computer Engineering student in his third year at Iowa State University. He is minoring in Data Science. Braedon has most of his experience in the Embedded Systems and FPGA fields and is currently working on a research team designing a decoupled program execution monitor system for protection against side-channel attacks.

Prince Tshombe

Prince Tshombe is an Electrical Engineer student at Iowa State University, with a particular interest in Power Systems. In addition, he is the CEO of A Non-profit organization called The Power of Women and Children. He is planning to pursue his master's degree in business administration. His primary goal is to contribute to the electrical field and help his community with technical solutions as well.

Cody Tomkins

Cody Tomkins is a Software Engineering student in his third year here at Iowa State University. He is currently interested in programming embedded systems and Web Development. He is hoping to gain an extra summer internship before graduating in December of 2021. He is also minoring in cyber security, which could be helpful when creating Web applications in today's age of cyber defense.

Spencer Davis

Spencer Davis is a software engineering student at Iowa State University with special interests in operating systems and cloud technologies. Outside of school, he enjoys time spent outdoors or with my friends and family. Upon graduation, he plans to start a career in information security.